Africans with Russia

History, they say, is the best teacher. Africans have forgiven but will not forget what the West and the United States of America did to the ex-leaders of Africa and their forefathers centuries ago.

Africans are great people who want to live just like their fellow human beings in the world. Africans have forgiven the United States of America and the West, which dehumanised and killed most of their leaders for no justifiable reason. It is so painful, but Africans have moved on with their lives. However, what Africans will not allow or tolerate is for the United States of America and the West to continue dictating to countries on the continent of Africa through manipulations on how to run the affairs of their various countries. Africans have some puppets as leaders, who take whatever advice the West and the United States of America are giving them. It has also been established that the present generation of Africa is wiser and more educated; no one is going to stop them from taking over their countries from these puppet leaders of Africa, who have absolutely nothing to offer the people of their various countries. Africans are aware of how ex-leader Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was killed. Ex-leader Patrice Lumumba was a great man who wanted to make his country great, but the West and the United States of America, who do not want countries on the continent of Africa to grow, allegedly teamed up and killed him. Killing ex-leader Patrice Lumumba was not enough for the West and the United States of America, but they went ahead and poured acid on him, as alleged. They also took one of his teeth to Belgium for safekeeping, which was returned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo sometime ago. This is the worst atrocity and torture given to an ex-leader of Africa, just because he wanted the best for his people. There are so many atrocities committed against the people of Africa by the West and the United States of America, which is very bad. It is only Russia and China that genuinely support Africans. So how did the West and the United States of America think that Africans can forget those who assisted them when the West and the United States of America want all countries on the continent of Africa to remain poor forever? It is not possible, and the people of Africa are so grateful to Russia and China for all the assistance they have received in the past and are still receiving today. Countries on the continent of Africa shall continue to work with Russia and China because they are the only countries showing true love, respect, and partnership to African countries. All these and more are the reasons President Putin and his country, Russia, shall remain in the good books of Africans. Again, no matter how the United States of America and the West try to manipulate their ways through Africa’s puppet leaders, it will not work because the new generation of Africa has realised the truth and will keep to it.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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