Information reaching Viewers corner from our source in the U.S. revealed that the White house has taken another new plan on how to handle users of this dangerous drug called heroin in the United States.
It was said that instead of punishing the users/addicts, the U.S. would treat them. Viewers corner finds this decision very interesting and nice because an addict is already finished and if help is not provided to him or her, it may condemn the person for life or possibly kill the person too.
Therefore, punishing the addict again when he or she is already finished is like killing the person, we should always show concern for our fellow human beings no matter the condition he or she may be at any given time. Most people that are taking drugs today may not have wanted to be involved with it but for so many reasons, they went in for it thinking that they would find happiness. The truth is that no one takes drugs and get happiness or fulfilled. The person has only succeeded in destroying himself or herself, therefore if the U.S. can concentrate in treating the addicts and at same time finding ways of blocking the supply, then it will be very nice.
Once again, Viewers corner would continue to appeal to all the citizens of this world to remove their hands completely from drugs because taking drugs would only ruin your life instead try and find enjoyment or happiness in another area that would not destroy your system. Viewers corner would always offer advise on this topic, therefore interested individuals should write to us using Viewers corner e-mail, we will respond immediately and equally treat it confidential.
Greg Emordi,

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