Gymnastics Ireland has shown how terrible and low they can be through their actions when they denied a little black girl her medal. The world saw the injustice they inflicted on that little black girl who stood alongside her friends waiting to receive her medal but was denied such honour. It was a sad event that most people in the world bitterly condemned. Another surprising aspect of that event was when a cameraman was seen taking pictures running up and down like a squirrel while the presentation of the medals was ongoing. Again, the actions of Gymnastics Ireland were so pathetic; even the apology they rendered to the little girl and her family was not done properly, as it should be. The people of the world shall continue to speak against discrimination and injustice because it is no longer tenable in the eyes of the world. The Viewers Corner News team would also use this opportunity to thank those who saw such injustice against humanity and condemned it immediately. Doing so at all times, anywhere such injustice and discrimination is noticed, would put an end to such ugly practices, which would, in the long run, harmonize the unity of mankind in the world.
Source: Viewers Corner News