Enough is enough, some Nigerian judges and lawyers are among the reasons the country (Nigeria) is not moving forward because they have sold their souls to the devil as a result of worldly things. This is the only game they know how to play best which is corruption and sending the innocent ones to jail, they turned white to black which means the highest bidder in Nigeria would always win any case and this attitude has been going on for so many years. What the past leaders were unable to do is what president Buhari and his government are doing now and everyone in Nigeria should please support them for doing a great job on this matter. Some lawyers in Nigeria are calling on their colleagues to boycott court cases until president Buhari and his government puts an end to the harassment of arresting judges as those good for nothing lawyers call it, this is the most terrible statement we have heard so far coming from some lawyers in Nigeria, this is unbelievable.
Let us look at it this way, if you as a lawyer or a judge follow your case the way it should be, we do not see any reason the Nigerian government will arrest any of the judges but because the Nigerian judiciary system is so corrupt that is why president Buhari and his government would have to do the right thing by bringing them back on track and the government is sincerely doing a great job on this issue. In other countries of the world, judges are jailed when they go against the law therefore Nigerian judges should never be an exception and any governor in Nigeria who is trying to protect or prevent the arrest of any judge in his state should face the law too. President Buhari and his government should not listen to the negative criticisms of some of these good for nothing lawyers in Nigeria who have nothing so good to offer to the Nigerian public rather than corruption. Please let your government have focus as is doing right now on this issue, sanitize the judiciary system in Nigeria because it has turned itself into a laughing stock and must be cleansed of all the dirty dealings in that arm of government in the country (Nigeria).
All the judges and lawyers in Nigeria should be reminded of their code of conduct which is fairness at all times and not the other way round, follow the rules guiding your beautiful profession which you all sworn to uphold at all times. This is part of what your profession demands, please keep to it and be of good service to humanity and remove your hands from dirty worldly acquisitions.
Source: Viewers Corner News.