Mr Kelvin Ibinabo.

Governor David Umahi’s Coordinator, Mr Machiaveli Uzo ordered the beating of Mr Kelvin Ibinabo. Ebonyi people can not continue like this.

Information reaching the Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Enugu, the southeastern part of Nigeria revealed that the Ohaozara Development Centre Coordinator in Ebonyi state, Machiaveli Uzo ordered the beating of Mr Kelvin Ibinabo (a musician). This is not the first time those power-hungry individuals working in governor David Umahi’s government have beaten up innocent people of Ebonyi state to stupor. The political opponents in Ebonyi state are not spared of this evil act by governor David Umahi and his terrible gangs. Again, governor David Umahi and his aides have chosen violence to silence whoever would speak against them in Ebonyi state. The people of Ebonyi state can not continue like this. The Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the good people of the state who are in majority to go out on election day and cast their votes for Mr Ifeanyi Odii. He would bring peace and development to Ebonyi state. Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state will leave office this year when his tenure ends as governor of the state, but if he succeeds to install Mr Nwifuru as governor of Ebonyi state, then his oppressive system of leadership in Ebonyi state shall continue. This was how one Miss Uzoamaka was dehumanised year’s back by governor David Umahi’s aide. Till today, that matter was swept under the carpet and many more of such atrocities. This time, the people of Ebonyi state shall get it right by electing Mr Ifeanyi Odii to reform the state for the good of all the people of Ebonyi state.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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