You can not fool people all the time and any government be it state or federal which came to power with deceits shall lose at the end. When governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state was campaigning in 2015, he made lots of promises to the people of Ebonyi state which attracted them to vote for him. Even his predecessors agendas that were good and nicely implemented before governor David Umahi was elected which he promised to follow and improve on based on his fake promises to the people were abandoned. Salaries of workers in Ebonyi state are not paid in full. Pensioners’ gratuities and allowance have not been paid for years which is bad and still some few people in Ebonyi state are still supporting such a governor, honestly this is unbelievable. Now the surprising aspect of it all is that governor David Umahi and his associates created their own militant groups called the EKUBARAOHA YOUTH ASSEMBLY AND NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUP to intimidate and silence the good people of Ebonyi state. These are thugs on the payroll of governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state, he also instructed them that any of them that does not carry out his orders properly would lose his job. Every corner across Ebonyi state, these thugs are stationed, extorting money from the people of the state and anyone who resist them would be arrested which is illegal and bad. Recently the Nigerian Police carried out few arrests in Ebonyi state and our (Viewers Corner News team) correspondent in Enugu (Nigeria) revealed to us that those arrested are members of governor David Umahi’s militant group which he uses to unleash terror on the people of Ebonyi state, pretending to be aides to governor David Umahi. Governor David Umahi has also threatened the federal government of Nigeria that if police arrest his aides again, he shall bring out members of his gang (Ekubaraoha Youths Assembly and Neighborhood Watch Group) to fight the police. Meaning that he is relying heavily on his militant groups (Ekubaraoha Youths Assembly and Neighborhood Watch) which he created and armed them to attack anyone that crosses his way. Another troubling aspect which we (Viewers Corner News team) want to make known to the federal government of Nigerian is that governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state held a meeting recently with the local government Chairmen, his coordinators as he calls them who are also taking part in thugs related activities in the state. He instructed them to attack APC members anywhere they are holding meetings in Ebonyi state. This is an order given by governor David Umahi to his thugs, therefore we (Viewers Corner News team) are calling on the federal government of Nigeria to put eyes more in Ebonyi state and also be at alert because governor David Umahi is bent on causing real problem to anyone that would oppose his second tenure. If you (governor David Umahi) had done your job nicely as the governor of Ebonyi state, your second tenure would have been possible. Even those who assisted governor David Umahi to win his governorship election in 2015 are now his enemies because they gave him useful advice on how Ebonyi state would move forward which he refused to do and now he is using his thugs to intimidate them. Majority of people in Ebonyi state have made it known that governor David Umahi can never lead them anymore come 2019 because the pains they are passing through under his leadership is getting out of hand. Even some of those working in governor David Umahi’s government told Viewers Corner News correspondent in confidence that they are just hanging on there waiting for 2019 to come so that they can cast their votes for another candidate, certainly not governor David Umahi because he is a bad leader. They also told our correspondent that few of those supporting governor Umahi in Ebonyi state are those on his payroll but shall vote for another candidate come 2019. Again, we (Viewers Corner News team) would use this opportunity to plead with our numerous readers worldwide most especially Nigerians to click on this link ( and read more concerning the issue of a state police in the country (Nigeria) and its implications. However we (Viewers Corner News team) shall continue to remind and advise the federal government of Nigeria that having a state police would be the worst mistake ever. If such system is put in use, those big names and politicians in Nigeria would use them to intimidate the poor masses in various states across the country (Nigeria). The issues of security and police affairs should always remain with the federal authority. Right now Nigeria can not handle this aspect properly because the laws in Nigeria seems to favour those with huge sums of money and politicians more than others but at the federal level, things are different a bit which is the truth.

Source: Viewers Corner News, Germany.
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