Last month, we brought the story of one miss Uzoamaka Chukwu (an orphan who was brutally beaten by Mr Ogbonnya Ene Odi (the coordinator of Ohaozara development centre in Ebonyi state) and his younger brother Enekwachi Ene Odi including two policemen loyal to the coordinator. The girl (Uzoamaka Chukwu) was flogged but before this action took place, the little innocent girl was stripped off her dresses completely, sincerely this little girl was dehumanized by the coordinator and his gang. These are governor David Umahi’s right hand men who carried out the assault on this innocent little orphan, these are good for nothing individuals who boasted that no matter the nature of crime they commit in Ebonyi state, no one would ever prosecute them. This is impunity at work in this state, just because the governor of Ebonyi state (David Umahi) is their godfather. Viewers Corner News team gathered that the case has already been thrown into a trash box, the sad aspect of it all was that the two police men that were involved in the beaten of this innocent girl for refusing sex advances made to her by the coordinator and his brother have been dismissed from the police force while the coordinator of Ohaozara development centre, Mr. Ogbonnya Ene Odi and his brother Enekwachi Ene Odi who are the main criminals have since resumed duty in their various offices. We also gathered that during the few days the coordinator was being held in the police custody, most office works were sent to him there. The coordinator and his gang were treated as celebrities all because governor David Umahi is their godfather in crime and that is why he has ordered the release of these criminals without prosecuting them.
However Viewers Corner News and the advisory team would use this opportunity to plead with the Ebonyi state people that in few years time, politics would begin therefore we are going to use our votes as kingmakers to remove governor David Umahi because for so many reasons, he has made Ebonyi state ungovernable with his policies. A beautiful state where rule of law does not mean much anymore which means as long as David Umahi and his associates are in power, even if they commit serious crime like what they did to Uzoamaka Chukwu, no one would hear about it. This is very wrong, such act could be carried out on anyone else in the state by these terrible group of people that have governor David Umahi as their godfather therefore the only way we can bring sanity again to Ebonyi state is by coming out to vote for a replacement when the time comes because the crime which this coordinator (Mr Ogbonnya Ene Odi) and his brother (Enekwachi Ene Odi) including those that assisted them in carrying out this terrible crime is more than enough to put them behind bars for many years, but God’s own judgement would visit them and when that time comes, they would have no place to run to or hide.
Source: Viewers Corner News, Germany.