Mr. Bello Matawalle

Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara State in Nigeria said that the immediate past governor, Mr. Bello Matawalle, left only 4 million naira behind and months of unpaid salaries.

What did you expect? He even left four million naira for you. This is exactly what the Viewers Corner News team has been preaching against for years. Ex-governors and serving governors of Nigeria would tell you sweet things so that you can elect them to office, but when they get there, their agendas to work for their pockets become their number one priority instead of working to pull the people of their various states out of poverty. Ex-governor Bello Matawalle owed workers’ salaries and pensioners’ allowances while serving as governor of Zamfara State. But he collected his own salary and allowances on a monthly basis, leaving others to suffer hardship. This is absolute wickedness. If you look at where he parked his cars when he was the governor of Zamfara State, there were varieties of very expensive cars there that might have been bought with government money, but in the end, most of those vehicles were converted into his own property, while he could not pay workers and pensioners their little salaries and pension allowances. We are also aware of the debt he left behind, which Governor Dauda Lawal would have to deal with. Under this condition, how can a state move forward? This has become a normal process in Nigeria; when you are elected to office, stealing public funds is the number one priority on the agendas of most governors, which is sad. Another troubling issue is that, when the time comes for Nigerians to choose leaders that would lead them nicely, they are still going to choose those leaders who put them in the same poverty position to lead them, which is sad. Now hear this: if you elect bad leaders to office, there is nothing anyone can do about it but bear the pain. So we advise all Nigerian voters to be guided and always vote for someone who will get the job done properly, irrespective of the person’s religion or ethnicity.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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