Governor Alex Otti of Abia State has paid pensioners the allowances owed to them by past corrupt leaders of Abia State.

The arrears owed to pensioners in Abia State by past corrupt governors of the state have been paid by Governor Alex Otti. The Viewers Corner News team is saying a big thank you to Governor Alex Otti for remembering those elderly men and women who served Abia State for so many years and were denied such happiness. Now that Governor Alex Otti has started paying them, it is going to assist them in getting the necessary things that would enable them to buy some of the good things that they need. We are saying shame to the past governors of Abia State who starved these pensioners of their rightful means of income. Again, Abia State’s past governors should be ashamed of themselves and never speak when real men are talking because they committed an unpardonable offence against these pensioners, which would have kept them behind bars for years if Nigeria is a country where justice prevails.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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