Viewers Corner’s  research findings revealed that Germany is among the very best countries in the world. The country is known and recognized for so many good things ranging from the favour they are doing for humanity which is very good, producing high quality products in all aspects and also is a christian country. Germany is the only nation on earth that has Psalm 23; a biblical inspired word of God as their National Anthem.  This is great, very rich and honest country. A country where anyone who wants to work can find job quickly, Viewers Corner holds the country Germany to a very high esteem and has named the country “God’s own country”.
Again the reason we conducted this research is to let the third world countries know that doing business with Germany will bring more benefits to them most especially Nigeria. We want Nigeria to liaise more with Germany because they are very honest and will always give out the very best quality things one needs in this world.  We should always remember that quality things generally in this world cost money but will last for a very long time. Therefore, for third world countries to grow and be better in this world, they should always look for countries that can honestly give them what they want and also assist them to stand on their feet and one of such countries that can honestly do this is Germany. Viewers Corner is very proud of them because of their honesty  and good work around the world.
For ages this name “third world” has always been used to describe the developing countries and this third world nations that are in this category are not doing anything to move one step ahead from this description. The question Viewers Corner is asking always is, will third world countries remain third world or developing nations forever? Please say No to this description. Therefore, Viewers Corner suggests that you learn from people/nations who know better than you do and follow their success stories. Again, one of such countries we are recommending to the third world countries to emulate is Germany. What you learn from them could be used to develop your own system completely. Another sad aspect in the third world nations is lack of respect for the rule of law. Viewers Corner is appealing to all the third world countries to create educational awareness program that will teach the general public the importance of the law that governs the land and why it is necessary to always obey and respect it.
In conclusion, Viewers Corner is appealing to all the third world leaders to be modest, start planning now how to make your various countries a better place for all your citizens because they voted you in to do the right thing and before you came to power, you gave them hope. Therefore, keep to your promises so that the citizens of your country can get the benefits of what you told them during your election campaign which made them voted for you and your political party.

Greg Emordi,

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