We (Viewers Corner News team) are encouraging journalists in Nigeria not to be intimidated by those in power as long as they publish the truth for the world to see. Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River state (Nigeria) is using his power as a governor to intimidate Mr Agba Jalingo who is right now in custody and all sorts of funny charges placed on him. If governor Ben Ayade is innocent, he should not fear any write ups that may be put across for the world to see. Somehow, if a journalist publish an article against you, the only best thing to do is take the journalist to a court of law where he can come and prove his case. That is how democracy works but intimidating him because you have the power to do so is very wrong. We (Viewers Corner News team) want governor Ben Ayade of Cross River state to understand that the seat he is occupying at the moment will not be forever, your wrongdoings shall be revisited in future and when it happens, what you are doing to Mr Agba Jalingo will definitely get back to you. This is the reality of life. If as a democratically elected governor, no one should criticizes you and your government, then democracy in your state (Cross River state, Nigeria) is in trouble. Again, you (governor Ben Ayade) should not have contested for an elective office in the first place if you are scared of being criticized. It was also alleged that governor Ben Ayade of Cross River state is a very corrupt man but covers his tracks so that no one would see his wrongdoings and anyone who speaks about it would be arrested.
Source: Viewers Corner News.