Emmanuel Macron

France and the USA, including other countries of the West, can play a great role in Africa and still get what they thought they had lost.

We have written so much concerning this topic and we shall continue to do so until all the countries involved come to embrace a peaceful approach to solving issues. Various African countries are aware and also have spotted a huge French ship on the Ivory Coast. Those who wrote to the Viewers Corner News office said that France is not happy because they were removed from some countries in Africa, so they have decided to fight back using some corrupt African leaders to achieve their objectives. Based on this, we are calling on the leadership of France to tread carefully because Africa of the past is not Africa of today. Africa is fully aware of what France and other colonial masters did to their forefathers, so any attempt to have such a dehumanizing and deceitful system brought back to Africa shall be resisted by Africans. Again, we would use this opportunity to inform France that Africa is not alone in this fight to liberate the continent of Africa, other world powers are also behind Africa and are ready to assist Africa to get back to its feet. We believe that diplomacy is the best method to be used, if France wants to still be on the continent of Africa. The use of force should not be an option, so France should get that at the back of their mind. We are saying so because over 16 coup attempts were carried out to remove the military leader of Burkina-Faso which had failed and will continue to fail. This alone would tell France that the power behind those countries on the continent of Africa is great and huge. In the past, when a leader of Africa tried to push France out of Africa, the leader in question would be killed, but not anymore, so France should tread carefully because it is not going to be business as usual.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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