UK gold reserves

France and the United Kingdom do not have any gold mines, but they have the largest gold reserves in the world. How did they get this gold?

Countries of the West that manipulated African countries, stole their natural resources, and believe that they will continue to loot the resources of Africa without anyone stopping them should better have a rethink because the new generation of leaders of Africa cannot take such irresponsible acts again. What they did to African forefathers cannot be repeated for the sons and daughters of Africa. Look at the United Kingdom, for example; they are among those with the highest gold reserve in the world; the same is true of France, but in their countries, they have no gold minefields. Most probably, the gold in their reserves was taken from Africa. Such manipulation cannot work with the present generation of leaders in Africa again. If one looks closely, you will understand that France’s staying on the continent of Africa is a result of what they are getting through fraudulent means; hence, they have refused to leave the continent of Africa alone. But this time, either they treat the people of Africa with respect by working with them as equal partners or they face rejection in all the countries on the continent of Africa.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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