President Buhari

Former President Buhari and his ministers should be investigated and put on trial for the damages they inflicted on the economy of Nigeria before leaving office.

Corruption under the leadership of former President Buhari was huge. Ex-president Buhari and his ministers knew that if they had handed over the leadership of Nigeria to another political party that truly won the 2023 presidential election, there would be serious problems for ex-president Buhari and his ministers. So in order to cover up the atrocities they committed, they decided to hand over power to Alhaji Bola Tinubu, whom they believed would protect and cover their dirty track records. Again, there are so many corruption issues linked to ex-president Buhari and his ministers, which show how money was stolen and banked abroad. Former president Buhari and his ministers damaged the economy of Nigeria severely before leaving office, which is so sad. Nigerians have already forgotten about it and moved on. Meaning that when you served under a government and another took over power, all the atrocities committed in the past while in office would be thrown into a trash box. Now hear this: any country that engages in such a system cannot grow its economy. Our point again is that those past leaders of Nigeria who stole from the treasury of Nigeria should be investigated and put on trial, and if they are found guilty, they should be made to serve a very long jail term. Doing so would serve as a lesson for others aspiring to go into public offices. In some countries of the world, corruption is a serious crime and attracts death penalty, but in Nigeria, families and friends, including supporters, would applaud you for looting the treasury of the country. This attitude would have to stop if Nigeria, as a country, wants to progress further.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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