Ex-governor El-Rufai of Kaduna State in Nigeria has ruined his political career. He allegedly stole and mismanaged over 420 billion naira state government money. What a shame.

Now we know and believe those members of ex-governor El-Rufai’s family who said that Mr. Peter Obi is no match for their father (Mr. El-Rufai). You guys are absolutely right. Under ex-governor El-Rufai of Kaduna State, over 420 billion naira belonging to the people of Kaduna State were alleged to have been stolen. This money could be more, and it happened within the space of eight years of leading Kaduna State under the leadership of ex-governor El-Rufai. Honestly, ex-governor El-Rufai should be put on trial, and if he is found guilty, he should be made to serve a very long jail term for stealing from the Kaduna state treasury. This money, which ex-governor El-Rufai allegedly stole, if put to use, would go a long way in building factories and other infrastructure in Kaduna State, but unfortunately, one man who called himself a governor stole the money for his own personal use, leaving the people of Kaduna State in abject poverty. This is the reason ex-governor El-Rufai of Kaduna State joined the list of the worst ex-governors in Nigeria. Now hear this: it is only Mr. Peter Obi who led Anambra State for eight years, and when he was leaving office, he left billions of naira for the incoming governor, unlike ex-governor El-Rufai of Kaduna State, who left billions of naira as debt for the incoming governor to carry, thereby making it extremely difficult for him to get a good starting point. Again, Mr. Peter Obi did so many great things for the people of Anambra State that the records are there. Mr. Peter Obi is a man of integrity and wisdom and is still the best ex-governor in Nigeria; his records have not been broken till today. So no one in Nigeria should compare ex-governor El-Rufai to Mr. Peter Obi. We can categorically say that ex-governor El-Rufai of Kaduna State, based on the records available, looted the treasury of his state to a zero point. But we cannot say so of Mr. Peter Obi, who led Anambra State for eight years and left billions of naira behind so that the incoming governor would use it as a starting point. Nigerians can go and verify. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is calling on Nigerians both at home and abroad to allow Mr. Peter Obi to lead Nigeria beginning in 2027. Mr. Peter Obi is an honest leader and will pull Nigeria and her citizens out of poverty. This is the truth: either you take it or you leave it; the choice is all yours.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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