Equatorial Guinea is a country that is supposed to be among the very best in the world but is being ruled by men without foresight and direction, a country with a population of less than 1.5 million people and with huge natural resource (petroleum). The country’s President  Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has personalized the country as a one man business. Viewers Corner reliably learnt that  President Obaing has concluded plans to install his son as the next President of Equatorial Guinea as soon as he steps down, what a shame.
This is not how a democratic system of government should operate.
Mr. Obaing took power since 3rd August 1979 after plotting a coup that assassinated his uncle Mr. Francisco Macías Nguema and since then has refused to step down as the President of Equatorial Guinea.  He is so rich and has villas both in his country Equatorial Guinea and also in Spain. Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa that was colonized by the Spanish and use Spanish language as her national language. A country that has no infrastructure but with huge natural resource (petroleum). Majority of the citizens are roaming about in the cities of Spain doing all sorts of dirty jobs which is not supposed to be but because of lack of leadership capabilities and the ability to create jobs and good health/social care services for the citizens, greed, selfishness, corruption and wickedness against the citizens of Equatorial Guinea.
This attitude being practise by Mr. Obaing of Equatorial Guinea is also common in most African countries where citizens of various nations are not treated with respect but during the election period, the politicians will promise heaven and earth just to win their support/votes and after that, no one will see them again until another election comes then the politicians will come with all sorts of soft/cheap gifts. Viewers Corner regards this as mockery on democracy.
Again, Equatorial Guinea rely so much on goods imported from foreign countries to survive, this type of system is not so good and will never allow any country to grow which is also affecting all other African nations. We also discovered that most things for the ordinary citizens of Equatorial Guinea to obtain and live a normal life are lacking and the upper class as they are called treat the ordinary citizens like nobody and no one dare criticize the government of Mr. Obaing for fear of being killed or thrown into the prison.  Another sad aspect is the country’s media  is so backward and controlled by the administration of Mr.Obaing.
Viewers corner is appealing to the Equatorial Guinea President, Mr. Obiang and his cabinet members to always read Viewers Corner’s articles and also follow the success stories of great men with compassion and see how they made it to the top through hard work, dedication, wisdom and integrity. With this, his administration will have a re-think and start working for the benefits of the citizens of Equatorial Guinea. Sometime ago Equatorial Guinea hosted the African foot ball cup of nations, their foot ball field is nothing to write home about, their foot ball field is the worst. Viewers Corner has never seen such football field where  international match was ever played but the President  Mr. Obiang has lots of money to build villas around the world. Viewers Corner is advising the President of Equatorial Guinea, Mr. Obiang to carry out reforms that would attract investors to come and invest in his country because it pays better to have products coming from one’s country no matter how little it may be. The administration of Mr. Obiang should please stop relying heavily on imported goods to feed the citizens of his country, there is nothing wrong for a nation to import some essential commodities but not everything and any country that is not self-reliant can never grow as a nation. Hopefully, African countries should take note of this fact.
In conclusion, Viewers Corner is appealing and at the same time advising the government of Mr. Obiang to create jobs, good roads and good health care services for all the citizens of Equatorial Guinea and also there should be freedom of the press in Equatorial Guinea which is very important in any democratic system of government.

Source: Viewers Corner.

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