Did the government of Nigeria follow due process on the 15.6 trillion naira Lagos-Calabar highway project, or has it been manipulated as usual?

Nigerians are speaking out concerning the 15.6 trillion naira Lagos-Calabar highway project, which was allegedly awarded to an associate and a friend of the president of Nigeria without due process. There is nothing bad if a company with the necessary experience wins the contract, even if the management of the company is an associate or a friend of the leadership of Nigeria. The issue is this: has due process been followed? We believe that if due process was not followed, it would mean that manipulation might have occurred, and such a huge contract, in our opinion, should be given to those who are conversant with such a project, which would make it last a long period of time after the completion of the project. Therefore, we are appealing to the government of Nigeria to always look for professionals to handle projects across the country. Doing so will give a proper guarantee for such a huge project. We believe that those who awarded the contract without following due process as alleged may in the near future be audited, and if any sort of manipulation is found, then those involved may spend the rest of their lives in prison. So whatever you are doing at the moment should be carefully considered because if an honest leader comes into office and discovers irregularities, then those involved may be prosecuted, and if found guilty, they may spend the rest of their lives in prison. The choice is yours for those who are committing illegalities in Nigeria.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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