Democratic leaders in Africa have completely failed their people. Hence, the people of Africa are embracing the military system of government.

Democracy is believed to be the government of the people, as the name suggests, which is generally the best system of government. But democracy in Africa means hunger, corruption, insecurity, backwardness, and poverty. If you look at all the countries on the continent of Africa that have been practicing democracy, there is nothing good to write about except the exploitation of the resources of Africa, which has brought an unending hardship to the people. This is the main reason the military in various countries of Africa is forcefully taking over from the democratic leaders, who are so corrupt and have nothing to offer the people of their various countries except looting their treasury. Look at Mr. Ibrahim Traore, who is the military leader of Burkina Faso; he is doing extremely well in his country. The same is true for Niger Republic and Mali. The Viewers Corner News team is calling on those countries of the West, who are asking the military leaders of Africa to restore the democratically elected presidents to office, to stop such requests because they are all puppets of the West. These groups of democratic leaders piled up huge sums of debts for their countries, which have brought extreme poverty to their various countries. Again, if the military system of government will end hunger, poverty, and insecurity in Africa, then the whole world should leave them alone to practice such a system of government. What is important now is that human beings should be comfortable with whichever method they choose for themselves.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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