Taxation of any kind is a good source of income to any government anywhere in the world but before such tax system is imposed on the people, lots of study should be conducted so as to prevent such action from creating problems for the people of the country (Nigeria). Any government that does not plan properly before imposing taxes on her citizens may find things very difficult in the long run. Viewers Corner News and the advisory team favours collection of taxes because it is a good source of income to the government in question but in Nigeria, such taxes should not be imposed at this particular time no matter how small the percentage may be because the hardship the ordinary people in Nigeria are passing through is too much as a result of the economic situation of the country. Therefore now may not be the right time to implement this tax policy, please create jobs, make the economy a bit better where every citizen of Nigeria can at least be able to buy food items at affordable prices. If this little problem is addressed then you can get your tax messages across to the people and at that point, majority of Nigerians would understand that and follow suit but if the government has already decided to implement such tax policy then they should please bring it down to 3% which is reasonable, not 9% or the APC/president Buhari’s government could slash the salaries of all the law makers in Nigeria because they are better off and leave the ordinary people of the country who are struggling on daily basis to feed their families. Again in Nigeria, there are some wealthy people and also companies in the country that are doing nicely, the government should review their taxes and see if they could pay more or not.
Honestly president Buhari’s government should re-examine his economic policies so that his government does not create panic in the country (Nigeria) with his tax policies and as it is now, majority of the Nigerian people have already started complaining about the way and manner the APC/president Buhari’s led government is handling the economy of Nigeria based on Viewers Corner News findings. Lots of people in Nigeria are getting tired with president Buhari’s economic plans and when any government starts being unpopular based on the way and manner things are going in the country (Nigeria), then such unacceptable programs may affect the government in the long rung which Viewers Corner News and the advisory team would not like to see happen to president Buhari’s government because so far so good, his government is the best that has ever happened in the history of the country (Nigeria) since Nigeria gain her independent from Britain in 1960 in terms of fight against corruption. We (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) appreciate president Buhari’s government for having the strong will to fight corruption in the country which they are doing nicely and for the APC/ president Buhari’s government to get another mandate come 2019, they have to work very hard by fixing the economy of the country. They should please not impose taxes that would be difficult for the people to pay, sincerely times are hard therefore kindly tread carefully and do what is right for the people of the country (Nigeria).
Source: Viewers Corner News.
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