One surprising thing in Ebonyi state (Nigeria) based on our (Viewers Corner News team) findings is that out of 131,847 billion Naira 2020 budget, about 26 percent which is over twenty eight billion Naira has been mapped out to fight coronavirus pandemic in Ebonyi state (Nigeria) by governor David Umahi and his corrupt government. There is nothing bad spending money to fight an outbreak of a disease if it is done in an honest manner. Our (Viewers Corner News team) point is that governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state has been neglecting health sector in his state since he came to office which should have been one of his priorities so that when people fall sick, they would easily get treated in well equipped hospitals but all these are lacking in Ebonyi state. In all the 13 local government in Ebonyi state, the general hospitals there are not functioning properly. This has made the University Teaching hospital in Ebonyi state (Nigeria) to carry more than required. Normally, a Teaching hospital should be the last place to take patients to after trying the general hospital depending on the nature of sickness but as it is now in Ebonyi state, the University Teaching hospital is handling all patients which in some cases would have been treated by general hospitals in the state. This is happening because governor David Umahi refused to do the right thing, instead he is looking for an avenue to enrich himself and his associates while majority of the people of Ebonyi state suffer severe economic hardship. Another troubling aspect of it all is that the coronavirus pandemic in Ebonyi state has paved way for governor David Umahi and his associates to enrich themselves more. In the 2020 budget of Ebonyi state, governor David Umahi and his government mapped out such huge amount of money (over twenty eight billion Naira) for only coronavirus pandemic which is filled with manipulations from those who are benefiting from it. Again, the few infrastructures governor David Umahi built in Ebonyi state were over rated which the poor masses of the state are not benefiting from but the real infrastructures that would have benefited the poor masses of the state are completely neglected. Look at education and health care sectors of Ebonyi state for instance, there is nothing much to be happy about in the budget. This has been so since governor David Umahi became the governor of the state but on coronavirus pandemic alone, he has budgeted over twenty eight billion Naira to fight it because he has lots of money to gain there which is the truth. Corruption has brought Ebonyi state (Nigeria) backward so badly under the leadership of governor David Umahi which we (Viewers Corner News team) are hoping that after 2023, a God fearing leader with a sound knowledge of how government policies work would be elected to turn things around for the betterment of the people of Ebonyi state (Nigeria).

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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