Etienne Tshisekedi is a great force in Democratic Republic of Congo whom majority believe would be the next president of the country (D.R.C), in 2011 election his party the Union for Democratic social progress (UDPS) came second in the general election. Now that he is back in the country after few years of treatment abroad (Brussels), his supporters are calling on him to step-up action so that they would stop Joseph Kablia (the president of the country) whose tenure would end this year but has started his manipulations on how to remain in power instead of preparing to step down and hand over to the next would be president as the constitution of the country demands. Etienne Tshisekedi is a popular name in the politics of Democratic Republic of Congo, he played a great role during the administration of former president Mobutu Sese-seko in the 80s. Their early years in power was good and the Congolese people accepted their policies with an open mind during that early period but somewhere along the line, they deviated and started working for themselves. Corruption then set in and the country’s wealth was shared among the leaders leaving the general public to suffer which prompted Joseph Kabila (senior) to take over the government from Mobutu Sese-seko but unfortunately he was assassinated and this brought his son to power. The son Joseph Kabila (junior) would be completing his tenure this year as the constitution of the country requires but an insider in the administration of Joseph Kabila revealed to Viewers Corner News that president Joseph Kabila has concluded plans to remain in power which is against the constitution of the country. Now that a strong opposition leader (Etienne Tshisekedi) is back in the country after few years of medical treatment abroad (Brussels) and still have the support of majority of Congolese people, let us wait and see if the president of the country (Joseph Kabila) would be able to carry out his manipulations of not wanting to leave office when his tenure expires this year.
Viewers Corner News and the advisory team is appealing to president Joseph Kabila to kindly respect the constitution of the country by conducting a free and fair election in the country, please step down and hand over power to the next candidate that would win the mandate of the people after the election is duly concluded so as to avoid confusion and fighting which may bring more hardship to the citizens of the country (D.R.C). This is an advice from concern citizens of the world (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team), let us all respect the freedom and will of the people.

Source: Viewers Corner News. 
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