Award from any country of the world to an exceptional individual is a great honour, it is regarded and valued everywhere in the world. This should only be given to individuals with outstanding integrity either in their fields of endeavour or standing for truth as it concerns lives generally. Countries all over the world do that to honour their exceptional citizens so Nigeria doing that or honouring her citizens is a good news but care should be taken so that an award should not be given to people who ruined the Nigerian system economically or otherwise. Some previous leaders and others who received such award in the past may not have merited it because they had skeletons in their cupboard which was never investigated or were given out of ignorance without knowing the importance of an award. Therefore let the federal government of Nigeria through the newly appointed committee on award review all the awards given to the past individuals who are still holding such awards. If they are found not eligible, then such honour should be taken away from them.
Our (Viewers corner) advice again to the newly formed committee on award is that they should not limit their scope to the educated people alone, they are great men and women in most parts of the country who have shown greatness to mankind in their own little way though they may not be educated, such people are also qualified to receive such award. This should be done on a clean slate without favouritism. Also people who have shown true love for humanity, such individuals are in Nigeria but were never given recognition. Now that president Buhari’s administration is trying to clean up the system, those individuals from all over the country (Nigeria) should be rewarded for their outstanding records by giving special award to them. Viewers corner would continue to support president Buhari’s administration for the fight against corruption but we are pleading with him and his government to do more in the economy so that the sufferings of the Nigeria masses would be reduced because as it is now, the hardship in the country (Nigeria) is hitting the people so badly. Things may only get better as soon as the discrepancies in the 2016 budget has been settled which we (Viewers corner) are also appealing that he (President Buhari) address quickly. Again the year is almost half and the 2016 budget has not been approved, this is not so good for the country (Nigeria).
Source: Viewers Corner News.