The whole of Africa may not be able to pay the debt they are owing China and other advanced countries in a life time. The most surprising aspect is that each time leaders of Africa run to China and other advanced nations of the world to borrow money, they get it very easily. This has brought the continent of Africa backward instead of moving forward. This attitude has made it extremely difficult for countries on the continent of Africa to grow because of the conditions attached to the money they borrowed. The Viewers Corner News team is appealing to China and other advanced nations of the world who claim to be friends of Africa to assist them by not giving them loans each time they come with such a request. Tell them to look within their various countries and find solutions on how to solve problems. Let the African leaders carry out economic reforms and see how they can assist themselves, because most loans they borrow from China and other advanced countries are not properly used. Part of the borrowed money was used to finance irrelevant projects that would not bring benefits to the people of their various countries, and the rest went into private pockets. Again, leaders of Africa can only change and begin to think properly if China and other advanced nations of the world refuse to lend them money. Now is the time for African leaders to look within their various countries to grow their economies, because all they need is right inside their various countries. Extract them yourselves and sell them to the world without anyone doing it for you and at the same time giving you conditions. Ghana, for example, should be able to produce and export chocolates in large quantities because they have the raw material (cocoa). Instead of selling the raw material (cocoa) and in return, those who bought them would sell the finished products to you, which is chocolate, thereby making double profits. Why not be the raw material producer and at the same time be the chocolate producer? Then export them to other countries in the world and earn more foreign exchange that would enable your country to finance other viable projects, which is the best thing to do. African leaders should take the example we established here using Ghana to move their various countries forward. If this is properly followed and implemented, it would reduce or eradicate the quest by African leaders to keep on borrowing money from China and other advanced nations of the world.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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