
The worst mistake France will make is to attack the Niger Republic or any of those French-speaking countries in Africa.

The Viewers Corner News correspondent in Burkina Faso gathered from a reliable source that a French warship was seen at the shores of the Ivory Coast and Benin Republic, which the French authorities denied. Since most French colonies of Africa asked them to leave the continent because of the ill treatment France gave them, it […]

The worst mistake France will make is to attack the Niger Republic or any of those French-speaking countries in Africa. Read More »

LGBTQ is a new birth control pill. Africans and the world should reject it completely. Such an evil agenda is being promoted by those who are against reproduction.

Those men who think that they own the world and that they can manipulate the whole world, especially Africans, so that they can accept the LGBTQ agenda have nothing else in mind than to eradicate more than half of the population of the world, especially on the continent of Africa. We saw how the leadership

LGBTQ is a new birth control pill. Africans and the world should reject it completely. Such an evil agenda is being promoted by those who are against reproduction. Read More »

The military leader of Burkina Faso (Capt. Ibrahim Traore) told the West that their lies and manipulations cannot work anymore in Africa.

Capt. Ibrahim Traore, who is the military leader of Burkina Faso, is a great man. Not too long ago, he visited some schools in his country, trying to educate them and letting them understand that the information they have been getting from the West are lies. According to Viewers Corner News correspondent in Ouagadougou, Capt.

The military leader of Burkina Faso (Capt. Ibrahim Traore) told the West that their lies and manipulations cannot work anymore in Africa. Read More »

The people of Africa may revolt against the United States of America and their allies if any of their leaders are eliminated, as they have always done years ago.

The new generation of leaders of Africa, except the puppets of the West, are on alert and watching with keen interest the military buildups of some advanced countries in the world, who think that they can control the people of Africa through some of Africa’s puppet leaders by looting the resources of Africa to favour

The people of Africa may revolt against the United States of America and their allies if any of their leaders are eliminated, as they have always done years ago. Read More »

President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea is a great man. He is one of Africa’s leaders who has refused to adopt western ideology.

The moment any leader in Africa refuses to play to the rules of the west, such a leader in question is labelled a dictator. This is exactly what is happening to President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea, who is a man of integrity. He has refused completely to play the dirty games of the west, so

President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea is a great man. He is one of Africa’s leaders who has refused to adopt western ideology. Read More »

Democratic leaders in Africa have completely failed their people. Hence, the people of Africa are embracing the military system of government.

Democracy is believed to be the government of the people, as the name suggests, which is generally the best system of government. But democracy in Africa means hunger, corruption, insecurity, backwardness, and poverty. If you look at all the countries on the continent of Africa that have been practicing democracy, there is nothing good to

Democratic leaders in Africa have completely failed their people. Hence, the people of Africa are embracing the military system of government. Read More »

The corrupt finance minister of Ghana said that Ghana will be the next Israel of the world.

The people of Ghana are calling on the corrupt minister of finance to resign or be sacked. This is the request that the people of Ghana are making now. But the president of Ghana has refused to sack the minister of finance because the minister is his cousin, as alleged. It was also alleged that

The corrupt finance minister of Ghana said that Ghana will be the next Israel of the world. Read More »

No matter how Nigerians feel about President Bola Tinubu, it is inconsequential because the world leaders want him to be in office so that they can achieve their agendas through him.

Some world leaders who do not want the betterment of Nigeria are very happy with President Bola Tinubu. They want him to remain in office because they believe that through him, they are going to get their agendas done in the country. But if he fails to play to their tunes, then they are going

No matter how Nigerians feel about President Bola Tinubu, it is inconsequential because the world leaders want him to be in office so that they can achieve their agendas through him. Read More »

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda should end the asylum exchange agreement he has with the United Kingdom.

What happened to South Africa would be a child’s play compared to what would happen to Rwanda and the neighbouring countries if President Paul Kagame did not end the asylum exchange agreement he has with the United Kingdom. In many years to come, these group of individuals would begin to agitate to have their own

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda should end the asylum exchange agreement he has with the United Kingdom. Read More »

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