We are advising the enemies of countries on the continent of Africa, especially those countries from the advanced world, who are allegedly trying so hard to eliminate Capt. Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso, to understand that a higher power is guiding that man and his country. He has not committed any offence against any of those countries in the West, who are planning to eliminate him as alleged. He is only asking that a fair share of the mineral resources of Burkina Faso be given to the people of his country to enable them to put things right, but a group of people want to eliminate him because he wants the best for his country. Again, we would use this opportunity to inform these groups of leaders in the West that the more they keep on making plans to eliminate African leaders who are opposing their evil agendas, which are being committed on the continent of Africa, the more they are making the people of Africa stronger. Also, the West is letting Africans know that their coming to the continent of Africa is not for the interest of the people but for their own selfish gains. Based on this, Africans shall continue to resist every attack given to them and their leaders. They did it to the forefathers of Africa and went away with it, but the new generation of Africa cannot take such manipulation anymore; hence, they are speaking out and working so hard to have a steady and reliable working system on countries on the continent of Africa, which is great.
Source: Viewers Corner News