We (Viewers corner) were reliably informed by our correspondent in Abuja (Nigeria) that huge number of weapons meant for Boko haram group which were being exported to Nigeria was seized recently by Chadian authority. These weapons were ordered by Boko haram group to kill their Nigerian brothers and sisters and also other individuals in all the places where they operate, this is unbelievable and condemnable. Killing any human being is against the law of God Almighty and every inspirational work of God encourages his children in this world to live as one big family. Why then would Boko haram refuse to accept this simple fact? killing your fellow human being is the worst sin any individual would commit against the Almighty God because the life you are planning to take or has taken by force is not created by you. Why would you destroy God’s creation? This is not fair therefore we (Viewers corner) are advising and at the same time appealing to Boko haram group to have a rethink and start working towards peace. Fighting or killing of any kind to send messages across to the government is not and will never be the best solution for peace, however peace can only be achieved through dialogue no matter how long it may take to get the problems solved.
Viewers corner appreciate the effort of all the soldiers trying to keep peace and protect the lives of all the innocent citizens from Boko haram terrorist group in their various countries, your good works have already been recorded in the hands of God Almighty because you all are doing that to protect God’s beautiful creatures on earth which is mankind.
Source: Viewers Corner News.