Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar to lots of people in her country and around the world remain a great woman of all time but based on the information we (Viewers Corner News) gathered from our source in Myanmar, it was revealed that most members of her party (National League for Democracy) are accusing her (Aung San Suu Ki) of using iron hand in handling the affairs of the country and the party too. This according to those members of the party, she is a dictator and the worst aspect is that she (Aung San Suu Kyi) does not take advice when one is given. Such accusations allegedly tied on her neck are not good qualities of a great leader, therefore we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar to re-examine her position based on all the allegations made against her by some members of her party (National league for Democracy). Again we would like to remind Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar that lots of people in her country and around the world fought so hard through various means available before she could regain her freedom. Now she is a leading figure in her country (Myanmar), she should try her best to unite her party and people of her country, that is exactly what you owe them, making sure that peace is fully restored in your country (Myanmar). Please give the people of your country a listening ear because a tree does not make a forest meaning that no leader in the world can successfully lead a country without the support of people of his or her country.
Source: Viewers Corner News.