APC/ president Buhari’s government is what the Nigerian people need at this crucial period to rebuild the country (Nigeria). Viewers corner news heard from lots of people in the country (Nigeria) that Peoples Democratic Party (P.D.P) of Nigeria under ex-president Goodluck Jonathan started the train project in the country which APC/president Buhari’s government is claiming victory for, this sort of statement is laughable. In parable, how can nearly kill a bird? If you look around the country (Nigeria), P.D.P/ex-president Goodluck Jonathan government in the past started lots of projects but because their government somehow had no focus and the welfare of the Nigerian people at heart, they were unable to complete the projects they started. One thing is to start a project and another thing is to have it completed, most major projects ex-president Goodluck Jonathan and his government started were never finished because of corruption. All the money budgeted for such projects were shared among members of their political party. If they were sincere, they should have been able to complete most projects in the country before leaving office therefore anyone who is praising the P.D.P/ex-president Goodluck Jonathan government for starting a project which they could not complete should have a rethink because they never meant well for the Nigerian people. They were only there for their own selfish reasons, if not they had the opportunity of creating better facilities in the country (Nigeria) when they were in power but they misused it. Except if they have learnt their lesson now and want to correct them by asking the Nigerian people to forgive them, on that ground one would understand them.
Honestly P.D.P/ex-president Goodluck Jonathan administration in the past fumbled big time however that was in the past, now every Nigerian citizen should commend the APC/president Buhari’s led government for this beautiful rail way they just completed and put on the move, this is a great job well done. Viewers Corner News and the advisory team would use this opportunity to appeal to president Buhari’s government concerning the task ahead which is more, therefore his government should look into other areas that would bring economic relief to the Nigerian people because the hardship in the country is hitting the citizens in a more severe manner.
Source: Viewers Corner News.