Another fresh loan may be cooking; we ask, does it mean that Nigeria as a country cannot work without borrowing money from the international community?

With the happenings in Nigeria, it looks like those managing the economy of Nigeria have no other means of running the country without having to borrow money from the international community. Information has it that the government of Nigeria may be looking into taking another loan. This is becoming unbearable. It is time for those who are lending money to Nigeria with the hope that Nigeria as a country will pay later to stop because they are putting Nigerians and those yet unborn in a serious situation. How are these debts going to be paid? We are calling on the government of Nigeria to look for another source where money can be raised to run the economy of the country. Stop borrowing money, because doing so would put Nigeria in serious trouble in the long run. Again, it is time to end this unhealthy borrowing attitude by the government of Nigeria. End it now because it is not the right way to go.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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