Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso, revealed that another coup attempt to topple the military leader of the country has been foiled, and all those involved in this criminal activity have been arrested. Our correspondent further revealed that some accusing fingers are being pointed towards the past democratic president of Burkina Faso, who is seeking refuge in another African country. It was also alleged that some foreign countries are involved in this despicable act of trying to overthrow the military government of Burkina Faso. Again, those who do not want to see Burkina Faso and other African countries succeed are the ones plotting to overthrow the leaders of Africa who oppose their evil agendas. The Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to inform those foreign powers who are meddling in the affairs of countries on the continent of Africa to understand that Africa of the past is not Africa of today. The people of Africa are more united now, wiser, and highly educated. They know what they want, so whoever is going to the continent of Africa with evil agendas shall be fished out. The only way to get the people of Africa to listen to you is through dialogue, and then countries on the continent of Africa would examine your requests before taking decisions. But manipulations to get into Africa, like they used to, should be regarded as history because the present generation of leaders in Africa are now in control of the entire system and no one is going to stop them.
Source: Viewers Corner News