The rejection that France is facing today in the hands of their colonies in Africa is what France created. The people of Africa are warm and kind, but not foolish and stupid as France may have assumed. Africans know that their natural resources can feed the whole world; all Africans need is just a fair share of everything in their land to enable them to have a normal and decent living. But France and a few other countries in the world took Africa’s warmth and kindness for granted because they believed that since they colonized so many countries in Africa, it was their right to control them and their wealth. Such a horrible system was accepted by the forefathers of Africa. But now the children of Africa have started asking questions, and since answers have already been found, they decided to do things differently, which France is not comfortable with. But then, it is a bit late for France to make amends because the humiliation and deceit towards African countries by France and others cannot be forgotten so easily. Hence, no country on the continent of Africa would want to have anything to do with France anymore. However, all hope is not lost; France can begin by apologizing to their colonies in Africa for all the atrocities they committed against them and treating Africans as equal partners or, on Africa’s own terms, possibly paying African countries reparations for what France did to them in the past. If what we mentioned above is honestly and properly addressed, then we believe that African countries would forgive and hopefully work with France again. So let us hope for the best.
Source: Viewers Corner News