Africans are wiser now, so those allegedly plotting to eliminate the military leader of the Niger Republic and other military leaders in Africa should tread with caution.

The Viewers Corner News team wants to remind those in the advanced countries of the world who eliminated Mr. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, using deceitful propaganda to achieve their evil purpose, that such a system will no longer work because Africans are wiser now. It was revealed that the Niger Republic military leader is the next target to be eliminated, as alleged by some leaders of the world who feel threatened because they can no longer find their ways to steal the resources of the Niger Republic. We want to also inform those leaders of the advanced countries of the world that the people of the Niger Republic are fully in support of their military leader because he is doing a great job for the country. Therefore, those allegedly plotting to eliminate him should tread carefully. Again, our findings showed that if the military leader of the Niger Republic is eliminated, some foreign nationals from the advanced countries and their installations across Africa would pay a huge price for that. We therefore advise that a peaceful solution to all issues, if there are any, should be used to put things right. The Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to plead with those countries in the world who think that their system of democracy is the best; hence, they are imposing it on other countries in the world. They should allow every country to choose their own system. If they prefer a military system, the world should let them be because that is what is working for them. The elected leaders of Africa are puppets and have not been able to make good use of the resources of their various countries to better the lives of their people. So we plead with the advanced countries of the world to leave Africa alone so that they can design a system that is best for them.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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