Viewers Corner News wrote an article in the past concerning the practice of child’s marriage in the continent of Africa. Our campaign against such practice worked nicely based on our findings but our recent investigation revealed also that such system is still being practised in countries like Chad, Niger, Mozambique and the Central African Republic.
We also found out that awareness and poverty in most homes are among the reasons this system is still being practised in the countries mentioned above. Viewers Corner News blame the governments of various nations for not creating better means of livelihood for its citizens so that they can work and earn money which would enable them send their children to school. Honestly, all these countries have real natural resources that can last them a whole life time but selfishness, greed and corruption on the part of the leaders which have eaten so deep in their system is preventing them from not doing the right thing. Again, African leaders do not care about the welfare of their citizens and all these are factors that are causing real poverty in the continent of Africa. Viewers Corner News is appealing to all the countries in the continent of Africa to please stop giving their female children out for marriage at a very tender age, this is not right. If you give out your child for marriage at a very tender age of between eleven and seventeen (11 and17), you have succeeded in destroying the child’s future. Honestly at that age, the child should be in the school studying. Give her education because we believe that if you educate your children they would be able to know what is good and what is wrong. It would also create a good living condition for the family and also the ability of making their own choice but only when they are educated instead of parents forcing them to marry who they may not love. Please parents, this system has to stop, send your children to school because that is where the future is and not by giving them out for marriage at a tender age. It unacceptable and should be abolished completely.
Once again, we are appealing to the African Union to look into this issue of child’s marriage in the continent of Africa because such system is not right. The benefits parents will derive when their children are all educated is huge. Parents please send your female and male children to school. This is a special appeal from Viewers Corner News to all the countries in Africa most especially Chad, Niger, Mozambique and the Central African Republic because that is where the practice of such system is rampant.
Source: Viewers Corner News.