The ex-pension fund boss (Mr Abdulrasheed Maina) who allegedly stole billions of pension money has gone underground again based on the information Viewers Corner News received recently from our correspondent in Abuja, Nigeria. The alleged offence which this man (Mr. Abdulrasheed Maina) committed is the same as that of Mr. Sambo Dasuki (the former national security adviser to ex-president Goodluck Jonathan) who is now being held for allegedly squandering about 2 billion dollar which was meant for the procurement of weapons for the Nigerian military. Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to look for where this alleged looter (Mr.Abdulrasheed Maina) who stole pensioners’ money and turned it into his private use is hiding, he should come out and defend himself now. Again this is a very serious offence because the alleged money may be for pensioners in the country (Nigeria) if we are to go by what we were told. Another sad aspect of this story is that this man (Mr. Abdulrasheed Maina) who is the ex-pension boss has been on the wanted list in Nigeria for a while as alleged, not knowing that some few good for nothing individuals in Nigeria who have no conscience had manipulated the system and got him re-instated into the civil service. What a shame. Again our source told Viewers Corner News that those period he (Mr. Abdulrasheed Maina) was absent has already been paid for immediately he was reinstated, such attitude from those who manipulated the system to cover the alleged crime should be condemned. On the other hand, the action president Buhari took against Mr. Abdulrasheed Maina (the ex-pension Boss) is highly welcomed. However Viewers Corner News team is seeing this Abdulrasheed Maina’s issue as a test case which president Buhari should handle with caution because those individuals who have been criticizing president Buhari and his government wrongly would now have the opportunity to do more harm than good. No matter where this man (Mr.Abdulrasheed Maina) is hiding, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) should please get him out with his accomplices to face trial. Nigerians would like to know how a wanted man got reinstated into the civil service without the knowledge of president Buhari. Now that election is coming if this issue is not properly handled, it may be an obstacle to APC/president Buhari’s reelection bid based on our findings. President Buhari as a person is a great man and very transparent but those he trusted so much are individuals without conscience and have lots of skeletons in their cupboards and may be behind Mr. Abdulrasheed Maina’s issue. This issue has gotten the people of Nigeria talking and those that would have voted for president Buhari come 2019 are now having bias mind at the moment, their reasons were that the fight against corruption is not done the way they expected. Most of those people our correspondent spoke with in Abuja, Nigeria revealed that they voted for president Buhari in the 2015 general election because he promised to fight corruption to a conclusive end which is not the case now. If a man like Abdulrasheed Maina who allegedly stole billions of pension money was reinstated and allegedly paid his arrears during the time he was declared wanted, then something is wrong somewhere. These were the views of lots of people in Nigeria. They also said that for president Buhari to win the general election come 2019, he needs the support of all Nigerians which is correct and the outcome of Mr Abdulrasdeed Maina’s issue would determine whether APC/ president Buhari would get their votes or not. However Viewers Corner News team is pleading with those Nigerian voters with such notions that president Buhari is a great man and can be trusted. He is one president that can not steal Nigerian’s money and shall take the country (Nigeria) to the next level. President Buhari is transparent, all he needs now is the support of all Nigerians to put things right. Leave sentiment out of this and come together to make the country (Nigeria) great.

Source: Viewers Corner News.