Viewers Corner News was informed that Abdul Sattar Edhi, the famous Pakistan philanthropist is dead. The 88-year-old Abdul Sattar Edhi had been ill for several years after suffering kidney failure and he died in hospital on Friday, July 8, 2016.
Abdul Sattar Edhi set up the biggest welfare organizations in Pakistan and he is regarded by many as the “Pakistan’s Mother Teresa”. The Edhi Foundation runs fleet of ambulances, orphanages and medical clinics across the country and his foundation has provided relief in Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Indonesia and in the United States after Hurricane Katrina. Abdul Sattar Edhi’s wife, Bilquis (a nurse) provides shelter to poor women and also oversees the adoption of orphans. They have provided homes for about 25,000 children. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government offered to fly Edhi abroad for medical treatment but he declined the offer saying that he preferred to be treated in his country’s public hospital, what a nice soul. According to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, late Abdul Sattar Edhi would receive a posthumous presidential medal and a state funeral.
Viewers Corner News sympathize with the families of Abdul Sattar Edhi and may his soul rest in peace.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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