South Africa

A white South African farmer who has no regard for black lives allegedly terminated the lives of two black South African women in the country.

The life of every human being matters a whole lot, be it black or white and no one has the right to terminate a life he or she did not create. A Viewers Corner News correspondent in Johannesburg in South Africa visited a community in Limpopo where the alleged crime was committed and those who spoke to our correspondent in Limpopo said that those two women were allegedly searching for food which the white South African farmer might have thrown away into the trash bin, but unfortunately, the white South African farmer shot those women which is so sad. Another troubling aspect of the issue is that it was alleged that after shooting these black South African women, the white South African farmer butchered and gave them to his pigs on his farm to eat. This is unacceptable and condemnable. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is calling on the government of South Africa to immediately arrest and prosecute the white South African farmer. He must face trial because such an act of cruelty should not be allowed to exist in South Africa or any part of the world.

Source: Viewers Corner New

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