A school named Lead British School in Abuja, Nigeria, where millions of naira are paid each term by students, does not teach morals, which is so surprising.

Children who attend Lead British School in Abuja, Nigeria, are believed to be children of the rich, especially the children of politicians and those of government officials who might have looted the treasury of Nigeria in one way or another. If you are not a wealthy parent, you cannot send your children to Lead British School in Abuja, Nigeria. The sad aspect of our finding is that Lead British School is a money-making institution with a big name attached to it. But the truth is that what the school produces and sends to society is viewed as trash, considering the negative behaviour of the children at that institution. Again, the disturbing videos coming out from the school on how students bully other students are happening because the school authority is not doing anything to end such evil practices in that institution, which is so sad. We would use this opportunity to call on the federal government of Nigeria to review the activities of all private schools in Abuja believed to be the schools for the children of the rich and the mighty; perhaps such evil practices could also be going on there. The federal government of Nigeria should set guidelines for schools, telling them that if any unfavourable report comes out of any school in the future, then the federal government of Nigeria will permanently close down the school. Doing so will put them on check. Again, we do not know why a school in Nigeria would charge millions of naira on each student per term. Such an exorbitant fee is too much. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the federal government of Nigeria to set a standard rule for schools operating in Nigeria if such rules do not exist. This is very important if the federal government of Nigeria wants to achieve unity of purpose in all schools across the country.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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