The disagreement between National Assembly Joint Committee on Labour and Mr Festus Kyamo, Minister of State for Labour and Employment over the proposed 774,000 public sector jobs’ recruitment for the people of Nigeria should not have been an issue if the lawmakers know their functions and how it should be applied. Viewers Corner News team applaud Mr Festus Keyamo for upholding the truth which we are appealing to other ministers in Nigeria to also follow if they are invited anytime on any issue by any committee of the National Assembly. Please do not compromise your position for any selfish gain or be intimidated by any lawmaker who would want you to play dirty games. Always stand by the truth because your job as a minister is to make the people of Nigeria live a comfortable life, using the available resources within your reach to achieve that purpose. Now hear this; most of those lawmakers in Nigeria do not know their functions and may not even have read the constitution of Nigeria properly before asking to be involved in the implementation of the proposed 774,000 public sector jobs’ recruitment. Somehow the aim of those lawmakers at the National Assembly in Nigeria was to have a share out of the 774,000 jobs as usual which Mr Festus Keyamo denied them and they became angry. This attitude has been going on since Nigeria started practising democracy based on our findings. The lawmakers at the National Assembly would hijack every good thing that would come to the ordinary people of Nigeria all in the name of making more money for themselves, leaving majority of Nigerians who need the services of those lawmakers to suffer an unending hardship which is bad. This is how they allegedly pad budgets and now on issues of jobs coming from the federal government to the people of Nigeria, the lawmakers also want to have some share out of it which is unacceptable. If Mr Festus Keyamo did not reject the lawmakers’ offer to speak with him in private, Nigerians would not have known what they know now on this issue of proposed 774, 000 jobs’ recruitment. Based on this, Viewers Corner News team is calling on Nigerians to be mindful of who they elect to represent them because those people you called lawmakers representing various senatorial districts across Nigeria are there for their own pockets. Majority of those lawmakers do not care about the welfare of the people of Nigeria who made it possible for them to be called lawmakers. However, we (Viewers Corner News team) shall write more on this topic in our next article.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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