Charles Soludo

A huge sum of money has been mapped out by the Anambra State government to maintain its Abuja and Lagos offices. This is a complete waste of state government funds.

The Viewers Corner News team has been following Governor Charles Soludo’s activities since he became the governor of Anambra State to see if, as a professor, he would do things differently. But it is unfortunate that he has joined the list of politicians in Nigeria who are so wasteful. Information from our correspondent in Akwa, the capital city of Anambra State in Nigeria, revealed that Governor Charles Soludo and his government have budgeted over sixty million naira to maintain the Lagos and Abuja offices. We see this as a waste. Now hear this: when ex-governor Peter Obi was the governor of Anambra State, most of these offices were closed down because it is not important to have such offices outside Anambra State, but Governor Charles Soludo’s government sees things differently and is now wasting Anambra State money trying to maintain those offices, which is very bad. This huge sum of money would have been used for other projects that would benefit the people of Anambra State, not to maintain offices outside the state within the country. Again, we are calling on the people of Anambra State to let Governor Charles Soludo understand that all eyes are on him. If his service to the people of Anambra State is to put the state into debt, then he is going to be a one-term governor. So he should be guided. Start now to get things done the right way or lose the next governorship election in Anambra State. These are the words of some of those who spoke to a Viewers Corner News correspondent in Akwa, Anambra State.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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