President Buhari is committed to restore Nigeria back to glory and his willingness to eradicate corruption in Nigeria has earned him a great position in the eyes of the world, believe it or not he is doing great on it. If Nigerians look around in the country today, things generally are very hard for the citizens of the country (Nigeria) but the truth still remains that the hardship people are suffering today is as a result of the past government’s inability to carry out proper economic reforms. Corruption and selfishness of the past leaders contributed to it and since president Buhari came to power, he has been able to recover lots of stolen wealth which is a plus to him and his government. Look at some of the Nigerian politicians who claimed to be the representative of the people, all they do is embezzlement and manipulations to suit their selfish needs. However we believe that as time goes on, president Buhari and his government would be able to put things right again.
President Buhari telling the workers to live clean is very nice because integrity, honesty, hard work and dedication pay more than stealing what belongs to the nation and making it your own. Anyone who belongs to this category would face lots of difficulties in Nigeria because president Buhari and his government will surely fish the person out no matter how long it may take.
Source: Viewers Corner News.