Nigeria is a great country just like every other country within the continent of Africa hence the country (Nigeria) has been given the responsibility to lead the African Union Peace and Security council. This is great and also a huge responsibility for Nigeria, therefore Nigeria should figure out based on the lay down rules of the African Union to make sure that it does not fail the continent of Africa on this new leadership role which has just been given to her (Nigeria). All over, peace is hard to find in Africa because of corrupt leadership which exist in almost all the countries within the continent of Africa. The youths of Africa are killing themselves in the high sea trying to cross to Europe with an ordinary canoe in search of jobs while most natural resources and good things of life to keep the world functioning properly is gotten from the continent of Africa. On this note, we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) plead with the leaders of Africa to kindly engage those (foreigners) that are coming to their backyard to freely carry the natural resources of their various countries without adequate compensation to sign better business deals that would be beneficial to both parties involved. “Corruption, selfishness, greed, only me and my family should enjoy the wealth kind of attitude” should be discouraged. The African leaders should create more opportunities for the citizens of their various countries within the continent of Africa which would encourage the youths to stay and manage the resources of their various countries in the continent of Africa. Again we (Viewers Corner News team) believe that if the opportunity to get a good job after studying in the university or learning a trade is there in Africa, most of those youths who risk their lives in the sea to get to Europe will not do so, therefore we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to the African union and all the organs within the establishment of this great union to look into this aspect and find urgent solutions to this pressing problems which the youths of Africa found themselves. It is not the fault of the youths of Africa but the fault of the leaders because of greed, corruption, lack of foresight and the I don’t care attitude of the African leaders which has given rise to these problems within the continent of Africa. Please African leaders, let change begin and now is the time to get started in order to put things right so that the future of the continent would be bright and encouraging to live.
Source: Viewers Corner News.