The big question here is why is it that some ministers including the ex-president Goodluck Jonathan are always running to Abdulsalami Abubakar to lead them to meet President Buhari, Why? Or is it that Abdulsalami Abubakar knows more than lots of Nigerians know about this corruption issue? Before Buhari was sworn in as the president of Nigeria after having won the presidential election on March 28, 2015, the first person to start her lobbying program was the former Petroleum Minister Diezani Allison-Madueke through Abdulsalami Abubakar and now Goodluck Jonathan has done the same thing again.

Viewers Corner News also heard that Bishop Matthew Kukar of Sokoto state is also asking President Buhari to forget the past and focus on the future. Yes, President Buhari will surely go on and do what he is supposed to do for the future, there is no doubt about that because he is well focused, but first he has to collect all the stolen wealth from the past administrations. After that is done, Nigerians will close that chapter and move on. Again, Viewers Corner News would use this opportunity to advise Bishop Matthew Kukar of Sokoto state and all those people that are asking President Buhari to forget the past, the corrupt individuals and move on to please stop if they have the interest of Nigerian people at heart, except if some of them knew more than they are letting out now. However, in Viewers Corner News opinion, President Buhari should go after every Nigerian who has looted the Nigerian treasury and make sure he collect every kobo back to Nigeria. Again, Jonathan’s administration was among the worst Viewers corner has ever seen since Nigeria as a nation was born. Somehow Jonathan’s administration was  like that of  Shehu Shagari of the 80’s that was also among the worst in the history of Nigeria. Buhari is the best President Nigeria has ever had, he is a good news to Nigeria because he is a firm man and is not corrupt. Again let us take a second look at Nigeria and see how the citizens are suffering, no good food, cost of living is very high, unemployment rate is very high, no good medical facilities, no constant power supply, no good roads, laws and orders are broken down, e.t.c. all because of the past administrations. Honestly, God loves Nigeria so much and has answered all the prayers of the ordinary citizens of Nigeria who have no one to cry to, that was the reason he brought President Buhari to repair and rebuild the damages done to the Nigerian economy by the past leaders. Therefore, Viewers corner is appealing to all the big names in Nigeria to stay clear and leave President Buhari alone to do the job God sent him to do for Nigeria. Somehow, if Goodluck Jonathan had won the last presidential election, by now Nigeria would have been worse than ever. Again, Nigerian Politicians are practising politics of deceit, they are using “the more you look, the less you see” on Nigerian citizens at all times, most especially during elections. Some people were campaigning for Goodluck Jonathan to come back to power and most of these people can barely eat three good meals a day and still they want Jonathan to come back just because of ethnicity and religious factor. That is sentiment which should never be allowed in politics, let the man who can do the job continue. That would be better, no matter his ethnicity or religion and so on, as long as he can do the job nicely, is all good. Honestly, everyone in Nigeria should be thankful to God Almighty that Goodluck Jonathan did not win a second term because the country Nigeria would have been worse than it was before President Buhari took over the office.

Once again, Viewers Corner News is appealing to the group that are asking President Buhari to forget the past and focus only on the future to please stop and allow President Buhari to do his job. President Buhari can never derail, so let him go for those politicians and collect all the looted wealth back to Nigeria and may President Buhari live long so that he would be able to complete the good works God Almighty brought him to do for the innocent and poor citizens of Nigeria, so that Nigerians can be happy again. This is what all Nigerians and everyone around the world is praying for.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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