Despite all the evidences against the former petroleum minister (Diezani Alison Madueke) of Nigeria, she is still denying that she did not steal money from Nigeria. Her denial continuously has proven only but one thing which is an alleged criminally minded woman. You are a mother and you are acting in this manner, this is surprising. We (Viewers Corner News team) have no doubt that she can never change. This woman is allegedly doing all these with the help of her lawyers who are coaching her to keep on lying to the Nigerian people and the world at large. Our (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) message for you (Diezani Alison Madueke) is this, you can deceive everyone in Nigeria but you can not deceive our creator who is the Almighty God. Your recent 153 million dollars found in the bank which the High court in Nigeria has already seized is one aspect of your alleged illicit deals and still you sit in London saying that you did not steal money belonging to Nigeria.This is very surprising madam Diezani Alison Madueke, do you know that part of what you did was the reason Nigeria is in recession today? Do you know how many lives that have been lost in Nigeria due to your alleged careless and reckless ways you and your colleagues in the past government brought upon Nigeria? However we shall continue to advise you (Diezani Alison Madueke) that the only way forward is apologize to Nigerians and return what you allegedly took back to the country (Nigeria), it does not belong to you. We are very sure that you are not at peace with yourself at the moment but we shall continue to pray for you so that you would one day have a change of mind and do the right thing by saying sorry to all Nigerians because you are part of the problems Nigeria is having today. Honestly the evidence of what you did in the past is everywhere and there is no way you can keep on denying them. Please tell your lawyers to leave you alone so that you can make peace with yourself and your God, those lawyers are only behind you because of the huge amount of money you are paying them. We plead that you stop listening to their wrong advice. Again seek the face of God now as a mother and ask Nigerians to forgive you for hurting them, let there be no denial anymore from you and your lawyers.
Source: Viewers Corner News.
Source: Viewers Corner News.