Information reaching the Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Abuja revealed that the senate has rejected the loan request made by the federal government of Nigeria to purchase mosquito nets. This is a terrible request. Another 200 million dollars just to buy mosquito nets. Although it is for the purpose of protecting the lives of the people of Nigeria, which is nice. Our point is that if Nigeria has good leadership, they should be able to have mosquito nets produced in the country. If there is encouragement from the government of Nigeria, such an item can be produced locally instead of seeking a loan of 200 million dollars for this project. This is uncalled for in this period of economic stagnation. Based on our findings, President Buhari’s led government has failed completely in almost every area of governance. Insecurity and poor economic management of the country is the worst on the scored card of the government. They borrow money at any little opportunity to execute both profitable and not profitable ventures which the government is unable to manage properly, thereby leaving huge debts for the people of Nigeria, including those yet unborn. Such an economic policy of buying and spending unnecessarily would always bring the country backward if not properly controlled. Another request is also being made by the Bayelsa state government in Nigeria to borrow over 43 billion Naira to add to the 2022 budget of the state. Bayelsa state, as alleged, owes over 160 billion naira. Most state governments in Nigeria keep on borrowing huge sums of money to finance irrelevant and none existing projects, which they then turn around and steal the money without thinking of the repercussions and how it would affect the future generation of Nigeria. The Viewers Corner News team applauds the senate for rejecting the 200 million dollar loan request made by the federal government of Nigeria. Such rejection is welcome news. It is only when such painful truths and decisions are made that a solution can be found on how to get mosquito nets produced in Nigeria. The federal government of Nigeria should take this rejection in good faith and plan for the future of how certain items will be produced in the country. Any country that relies completely on imported items may not grow and move to the next level.
Source: Viewers Corner News.