President Buhari


Majority of those Nigerians who voted APC/president Buhari’s government to power said that they were deceived into believing that President Buhari, as a former General in the army, would be able to end insecurity in Nigeria. But now that he is the president of Nigeria, insecurity has become worse. They also told the Viewers Corner News correspondent both in Lagos and Abuja that the people of Nigeria under the leadership of President Buhari are divided by ethnicity, which was not so during the Peoples Democratic Party era. President Buhari will borrow money in the name of Nigeria and use the fund to build rails and buy trains that will ply the northern routes while other parts of Nigeria where such trains should have been more useful are ignored. All these and many more have made other ethnic groups, most especially in the southern part of the country, believe that the APC/president Buhari’s led government hates them. They also said that corruption under the leadership of President Buhari is massive. Court orders are not obeyed under President Buhari’s government, which is troubling. They cited the recent Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s trial and how some lawyers and activists were not allowed into the court room. Injustice has become the order of the day in APC/president Buhari’s government. However, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to all Nigerians both at home and abroad who, for one reason or the other, are not satisfied with the way the APC/president Buhari’s government is handling most issues in Nigeria to be calm because the APC/president Buhari’s government has less than two years to leave office. The people of Nigeria will then have the opportunity to elect another leader who will hopefully get things done the right way. The Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to plead with all Nigerians to think properly before casting their votes for anyone, so that in the future they can avoid the issue of “if I had known, I would have done things differently”. In Nigeria, there are lots of great people who would work to pull Nigeria out of poverty if they are given the opportunity to lead the country. Look for such great individuals and bring them forward to handle the affairs of the country.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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