The association of governor’s forum in Nigeria is seen by Nigerians both home and abroad as a forum where governors go to discuss issues which probably would benefit them alone (selfishness) because almost all the governors in that forum are owing workers salaries and pensioners allowances in their various states. Some of those governors are owing billions of debts in their states, making it very difficult for their states to grow, so whether governor Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti state (Nigeria) is elected or not, it does not make much difference in the lives of the ordinary people of the country (Nigeria). We (Viewers Corner News team) are advising them in that governor’s forum to always include in their agenda how the people of their states can live comfortably. The federal allocation and the internal generated revenues from their various states are more than enough to get the people of their states out of poverty, let such discussion be the number one priority of every governor in the governor’s forum. Time has come for governors in Nigeria to get things done the right way, build infrastructures in your states, create jobs for the people of their states and in doing so, poverty will be history. These are your jobs as governors which Viewers Corner News team hope shall be implemented.
Source: Viewers Corner News.