Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Angola revealed that the people of Angola has taken the laws of the country into their own hands by humiliating, beating and killing other Africans living in the country (Angola) most especially people from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) which is bad. South Africa is also one of those countries involved in such a disgraceful act.
We (Viewers Corner News team) are therefore calling on African Union leaders to sanction any country within the continent of Africa who engages herself in such a dehumanising act. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also plead with African Union (AU) to carry out an awareness campaign, educating Africans in the continent on issues of moral, compassion and love for their fellow human beings.
Asking your fellow African brothers and sisters to leave your country is not the best way to do it. Accommodate them and learn to live together as one big family which is the best way to life. Always show love to everyone and you shall receive love in return.
Source: Viewers Corner News.